

What does forgiveness mean to me? It means PEACE! It means LOVE! It means EXHALING! It means HAPPINESS! It means being UNBOTHERED. It means GROWTH! When I choose forgiveness I am choosing my PEACE, my LOVE and my HAPPINESS. I am choosing to EXHALE, to remain UNBOTHERED and I am choosing to exemplify personal GROWTH. 
Projecting negative energy towards a person or situation only hinders you physically and spiritually. Protect your earthly temple and choose wisely on the things you will and will not give energy towards.
I challenge you to be selfish and choose your inner harmony over any hurtful situation or offense you may face. Ask yourself, how does this unforgiveness serve me? Don't do it for the sake of the other person, do it for your PEACE, LOVE, and HAPPINESS. Do it so that you can EXHALE, and be UNBOTHERED. Do it so that you can GROW!