

Biblical forgiveness in times like these is hard; especially when you have to see the humanity in people who dehumanize you. Quite frankly it is the complete opposite of what you want to do. It requires surrendering your flesh COMPLETELY and leaning into the Holy Spirit to lead & guide.  Two things should be remembered though:
Forgiveness is a process.
There is no rush to get to the place where an offense no longer has its power over you. As long as you see complete freedom as the goal keep chipping away at it, one day at a time. Often people try to rush through the emotions associated with the grief of an offense & learn later they never dealt with the true offense because they wanted to will their way to the “promised land”. Do not be that way because the superficial response can only give you superficial breakthrough. Lean into the Spirit & know He is leaning back into you. Slow progress is still progress…
Forgiveness does not replace justice.
As much as God is a God of love, peace, grace & mercy he is also a God of justice. Each of these things he is equally, so you can not speak about the love of our Father without equally speaking to Him being just. Forgiveness is not given to replace justice. For instance, the penalty of sin is death & though we do not have to die that penalty it is not because it was forgotten but because it has already been satisfied by Jesus Christ. That is what makes Biblical forgiveness radical because He who knew no sin became sin in our place to save us. How should this practically affect us? When someone is killed unjustifiably, justice for the offense is equally the goal as forgiveness for the penalty. ‭Luke 11:42‬